Why do relationships come with rules? Why can't people simply "feel things out" and do what comes naturally to them? There's always a "don't do this" "do that" "don't say this or he'll think that" "say this so he'll do this."
But no one does what they were meant to do. The head has been told so many things that the heart forgets how to lead with the utmost passion it should. Remember in kindergarten when you gave the biggest candy bar to your Valentine, because no one told you not to? Remember when you would simply walk up to your crush and say "Will you be my boyfriend/girlfriend?" It was the scariest thing to do, but it felt so right because you said exactly what was on your mind.
No one does that anymore.
I get told not to say I want to see someone because I need to be "the one in control."
It's not a dictatorship. Hell, it's not even a relationship. When you know someone wants to see you, and you want to see them, why do we get so scared to just to say so? Why do we get told to not do that natural thing and just say, "What are you doing tonight?"
Passion and love don't come with rules.
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