Tuesday, February 21, 2012

When it comes to most things, not a lot really pisses me off. Especially with guys. For some reason, I'm totally cool with the fact that guys are messy sometimes or do guy kind of things. 
But I have this little pet peeve that really pisses me off to no end. 
I hate when you have a guy over and he leaves his condom and wrapper on the floor. 
REALLY? You realize I'm not going to see that for at least a couple of days and dirty semen covered condom will just be sitting on my rug, seeping into my carpet. How do you know the little sperms won't crawl their way into me and BAM- pregnancy; all because you couldn't simply take your dick rag and place in the garbage can. Would you like it if I left a tampon on your floor for you to pick up? Didn't think so.
The guy I've been seeing lately has done this twice already. And I didn't know how to politely bring up to him that if he did it one more time I was going to shove the damned thing down his throat. I had him over again this past weekend and even moved the trash can into a visible place closer to the bed hoping that he would pick up the hint.
Thankfully he did. Phew. I was worried I would have to pick up old dirty condom later. 
Now maybe I can train him to make the bed too?

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